Incepand cu vara anului 2002 ma tot 'chinui' sa fac un chat (BORGChat) care sa aiba cam tot ce ar trebui ca sa comunici k-lumea intr-o retea.
Am folosit si eu alte programe dar la toate le lipsea cate ceva (Smile-uri, SendFile etc), atunci m-am ofticat :) si am inceput sa fac BORGChat.
Momentan este in stadiul de BETA dar nu mai e mult pana cand iese pe banda Vers 1.0.
Daca vreti sa vedeti cam cum arata BORGChat aveti aici cateva Screenshot-uri.
Pana atunci va rog sa ma ajutati sa verific Versiunile BETA si daca va apar buguri (unele poate chiar stupide) le puteti posta pe FORUM.
- fix for Access violation (since 434)
- fix for small bug from 434 (no messages was displayed whe a user quits from borgchat
- small language problems in systemtray menu
FORUM DOWN :( , I hope I'll fix it in a few days :(
BORGChat 0.9.9 build 434 (only exe , for the moment)
fix for Access violation
BORGChat 0.9.9 build 431
BORGChat 0.9.9 build 428
if you have build 422 / 423 you MUST use this version !!!
BORGChat 0.9.9 build 423 ( aka v1.0 PR2 )
some fixes :(
BORGChat 0.9.9 build 422 ( aka v1.0 PR2 )
What's new :
Fix : Big bug with TCP transfer that could make BORGChat to crush or encounter an error
New : Invitation to join a channel
New : Disable #Main , works as a System tab
New : 2 new options in messageboard : Paste to editor & block message (per user)
New : Limit for the files received from one user
1. if you use UDP Broadcast (default connection) it's not compatible with earlier versions !!!
2. if you have a custom smile pack it's not compatible with this version
thx to NaM you can convert BORGSmile.ini -> BORGSmile.XML CLICK HERE
once again I was rushed in releasing the build 388 and forgot some bugs... so pls DOWNLOAD the new BUILD